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Monday, March 11, 2013

Necklace display

My bestie has a birthday coming up and after much brain racking I came up with this hand-crafted gift for her. She has recently gotten into making jewelry and she has mentioned trying her hat at selling her wares at a craft show. So I came up with this necklace display I created out of a plastic quart milk jug and the sides of a half gallon bleach bottle. I really love the end result. I am making several of these for her and I am making displays for her bracelets and earrings as well. I think she's going to like them. I know I do.

The bracelet display is from the heavy duty cardboard tube that my husband's screen comes on (He builds screen rooms and pool enclosures so he always has those tubes) I had him saw just a bit off the round so that it would sit flat and then I covered it in batted fabric. The ends are made from plastic lids covered in batted fabric. I also made a black one to match the necklace displays. I like the way these came out as well.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I am trying to use up things I've got on hand and use as much recycled materials as possible so this project was especially fun for me because I didn't have to buy a thing! Yay for my wallet!

May your troubles be few and your blessings be many!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Getting crafty with Grandma's dress

Hello folks, I am extremely pleased with the way everything is going right now. The kids have been moved out for a couple weeks now so I got to take all my craft/sewing/scrapbooking supplies out of the closet and into my new craft studio. It's been a lot like Christmas as I've been upacking things and getting them organized into my new room: I had forgotten about so much of what I had and I feel like a giddy little girl as I find things I haven't seen in such a long time. I love the rediscovery of my creative mind.

My goal has been to create all I can using items I already have on hand. I did buy a rotary cutter from Hobby Lobby because I plan to sew a couple quilts soon. I've never made a quilt before so I'm sure it will be fun learning the ins and outs of quilting. But until then...

...This little jar made the cutest pin cushion I was lucky enough to have received some home canned hot sauce in this little jar, and with a little soaking in some baking soda water it took that smell right out; so I was excited about another recycle. And the best part is that I have been holding on to a dress that my grandmother wore. I always knew I wanted to create some special items for myself with the dress and I made this little pin cushion jar to hold my pins using a small part of the dress. I am also going to make a nice little fabric covered trinket holder using the same fabric and a few other items to send to my sisters and my cousins so that we each have a little part of the dress.

May your troubles be few and your blessings be many,


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spongebob Valentine Card Holder

It's a rainy day today and I haven't been feeling well so I thought I'd do something simple and make Jayden's Valentines for his classmates.

The idea for these came from Better Homes and  Gardens. If you are not a member of BHG just sign up and then you can get the labels.

Last week I sat with Jayden and we searched the internet for card holder ideas. I had pinned one to my "Be my Valentine" board on Pinterest and that is the one that Jayden got excited about so that became our inspiration photo. And we set out to make one ourselves. I had all the materials needed already in my craft room.

We used a cereal box and covered it with construction paper and construction paper cutouts. An artist I am not, but I think he turned out really cute anyhow. If I were to make another one, I would make the shirt shorter and the shorts higher but Jayden is super happy with the outcome so that's what matters to me!

Have a blessed day everyone!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Not so "Permanent" Marker.

My son's girlfriend was babysitting for a friend and the little boy she was watching was just learning to write. He decided to take a black permanent marker to several items around my house. One of the things he wrote all over was my deep freezer and I have tried many things to get the marker off. To no avail. Another of the items was a plastic drawer container I use to store my grandson's crayons and such. I figured nail polish remover would probably do the trick but I didn't want the acetone to damage any surfaces so I tried alcohol and voila! No more marker on the freezer and no more marker on any thing else either!

I used repurposed dryer sheets with some alcohol and all the marker came off! It took a bit more alcohol and more elbow grease to remove it from the freezer but it was a success. The next step is to cover the drawers using the inspiration I got from Kinder-Craze.

I'll be sure to post the after pics when I'm finished.

I hope your days are as blessed as mine!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Change is good! and Lisa's Jewelry.

So I have been really concentrating on the change that I wanted to make. I'll be having a birthday in a couple of months: the big five-o. I have come to the conclusion that this a huge factor in my recent need to make so many changes in my life. But I am finding that change is good! I don't think the people in my immediate circle are thinking so but I sure am. I have found I am much happier now that I have clear goals. Another thing I'm finding is that I don't really have to worry about how I'm going to reach my goals because the challenge of figuring that all out has become part of what makes me so giddy! Strange I know but still so very true.

On another note: my friend Lisa has been crafting jewelry lately and I wanted to share some of her creations.

Lisa is new at the art of jewelry making but I think she's doing a fabulous job! She has also started to get requests for custom made pieces. If anyone is interested let me know!

Friday, January 18, 2013

"Is there life out there?"

Have you ever gotten stuck on a song or part of one that invades every other thought inside your brain? For me today is one of those days when my thoughts are rambling - can't seem to focus on just one thing - And then to top it all off, there is a song that insists on invading my thought territory.

"I've got friends in low places, where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away, well, I'll be ok..."

I get a little further into the song than that and then off to another thinking tangent I go. So many things that I need and want to do, yet so many things that keep getting in the way, or should I say, so many thoughts getting in the way. My own thoughts, which I believe can sometimes do more good or damage than the random spoken thoughts of those around me. Anyhow, bare with me, because I'm afraid my writing today might be as jumbled and misguided as the jibberish in my head.

I'm pretty sure the rambling mess that is my thought process today is because of the many decisions I'm trying to make. It seems I've decided to make some changes in my life, actually several changes, but maybe - just maybe - I'm guilty of a little "self destructive behaviour." Allow me to explain: I want to shed my old skin, so to speak. I want to lose all the dead garbage that has been my past, and without losing the soul beneath, I want to create a stronger, healthier, more attractive me. I want to go into the next chapter of my life with a strong mind, a strong body and an even stronger happier soul!

So here's where the self destruction comes in: I keep sabotaging my own efforts at change. So I ask myself, "Have I become such a creature of habit that I am willing to stay in this bubble for the rest of my life?" It's not as dramatic as it may sound, I love the people around me: my husband, my children, grandchildren, friends and family... My issue is that I want to enhance the experience!

The thing is though that my children are grown and while they were growing up I loved being at home with them, getting them off to school, being there to pick them up and doing all the things that come with loving my awesome children. But I no longer have anyone to wake at the crack of dawn so I'm not as motivated to start my mornings that early anymore either. I don't have to make sure that my little ones are fed a healthy breakfast or make sure that they are sleeping by nine. I don't have to look over their shoulders to check their homework... And with the economy on such a downslope, my husband who has worked for himself since before we met, has become more laid back about his hours of operation; my point being that now I don't have to get up and make his coffee or get him off to work so like I mentioned: I really have no pressing reason to get up early now either. I use to get up and make his coffee and if he wanted it I'd cook his breakfast, I packed his lunches... Wd get the idea.

I did those things and much more for my husband and children because it was what I wanted to do! I enjoyed ever minute of being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend...

But now, I want more. That's the really the main point of all these distorted thought waves: I want more!

It's funny because the song that should be going through my head today is an awsome Reba song: "Is there life out there? So much she hasn't done. Is there life beyond her family and her home?"

Yes, I believe there is!

I am confident that along with being a strong wife and mother, I can be an even stronger motivator of me! And so to answer the question, "Is there life out there?" Yes.

Am I afraid of change? Yes. I am. I am afraid of what's outside my bubble. I've seen some of what's outside my bubble and quite frankly it scares the ever living bejeezes out of me! But I've also seen things outside my bubble that are exciting and wonderful and intriguing and...

...I read a book several years ago and I read it or parts of it several times. "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers;

"Feel the fear and do it anyway." I adopted that mantra for myself. I truly have repeated those words to not only myself but people I care about. I have repeated them over and again throughout the course of my life since the first time I read the book. And I know that I'll continue to repeat them as I figure out what I'm doing and where my life's adventures take me from this point forward!

And as far as that stupid song that keeps popping in: Well I think I may go and sing some karaoke; maybe some Garth Brooks.

Have a wonderful and blessed day everyone! And please excuse me while I go make some changes!