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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bird feeder from upcycled glass.

I was going through some old pictures trying to clear out my hard drive of unwanted junk. It amazes me how many photos we take thinking at the time that they are sure to be a perfect source of memory preservation. When in reality, about half my photos lay in a box stored away somewhere (especially the ones taken pre-digital and SD cards.) And when I find them - usually years later - I can't remember where or why I took the picture. I have been horrible, to say the least, at logging the time or place a picture was taken. My boys will ask me quite often how old they are in a particular photo and with a wince I'll give them a 'round about age: "Oh you were 5 when I took that." I leave out the "I think so anyhow. You might be six but I can't remember."

With modern technology and all the really cool photoshop programs out there, I have gotten a bit better at documenting when a photo was taken. Social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook have made it much easier for me because when I upload a picture, I take advantage of that nifty little space to write a "description." And I tag everyone, whether they want to be tagged or not. If you're in my picture, I let the internet world know it. Also, my digital camera has a date stamp on it which I have not been able to figure out how to get rid of. Probably should leave it on there anyhow, case in point, I'll remember when the picture was taken.

So with all this purging of old unwanted pictures I came across several that my friend Lisa and I took back in 2011 when we were on our kick of using up vintage and recycled glass. We made bird feeders, birdbaths and plantstands that we thought were going to bring us boocoo bucks which in reality put us in the hole. We ended up giving most of our wares away and I have at least half a dozen birdbaths sitting about my yard. The problem was that we had to charge enough money to recoup our losses and in our little town in the middle of the national forest; buckled together with the downward spiralling (or should I say downward spiralled) economy, most people just don't want to spend what we call "extra" money on someone elses handcrafted items. I suppose a lot of people out there are like me and would rather go home and make it themselves to save some of that hard earned money.

Now that I've taken a breath, let me show you a couple of those birdfeeders I was talking about.

Hey look at that, we finished these two birdfeeders on May 20th of 2011. I know that because of that little date stamp on my digital camera! Lol

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