These potatoes make a great side dish to compliment any bar-b-que!
I cut six small potatoes and 1 small onion into cubes. You can slice them or cut them however you like! Add salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste. I like to keep it light on the seasonings as not to overpower the main dish, but you can have fun and play around with your spices and seasonings.
I stirred in 2 tbsp. Bertolli Olive Oil to lightly coat the potatoes.
Put on foil and wrap tightly.
Put on foil and wrap tightly.
Put foil pack on hot grill. We cooked ours covered for 30 minutes, carefully turning the packet over. Then cooked for another 30 minutes.
They came out perfectly
Until next time!
May your blessings be many and your troubles be few!
May your blessings be many and your troubles be few!