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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mumble Jumble and Another Mug Insert.

Today is one of those days when I just can't seem to focus on any one particular thing so I thought I would write for a while. Writing sooths my soul - extremely therapeutic.

I had one of those phone calls this morning that was two fold in the outcome: I got some not-so-good news that is weighing heavy on my mind and heart; but on the other hand, I had an amazing heart felt conversation with my third born son! I am thankful for the latter.

I am also thankful for my awesome hubby and last born son who are outside cleaning windows and screens; thankful that I don't have that tedious project to do! You go guys! I guess I better bake a yummy dessert for them this evening. Hmm, what to make? Yesterday, I chose a cake made with a boxed Angel food cake mix and a can of crushed pineapple, you can see one here. I added a little dollop of whipped topping to mine while the cake was fresh out of the oven and I must say it was delicious. For me it is one of those desserts best eaten warm.

I'm hoping to self motivate into my crafting studio to finish up a couple more of those mug insert organizers. I finished my first set but then while cutting up some old jeans for crafting, I decided to create a couple of the organizers using the denim. I really like the way they are coming along. You can see them here.

I'll be starting the next project tomorrow which are some cute little carry-all bags for walkers or wheel chairs. As I mentioned before, I am trying to use up all the inventory I have on hand so I really have a lot of sewing to do - because I have a ton of fabric to use up!

My goal is to finally have that yard sale I've been wanting to have and then on to trying my hat at a craft fair. I have been slowly but steadily, working on all this. Maybe that's why my thoughts are scurried: I just have "too many pans on the fire" as my grandma used to say. Oh well, I'll get it all done - eventually.

But for now, it has started to rain and my hubby wants me to sit and watch a recorded episode of CSI; I suppose I can watch that and THEN go into the studio

So until further adieu,

May your blessings be many and your troubles be few.

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